National AIDS Control Programme at a glance :
HIV transfer to human in Africa between 1924 &1981.
1981- Death among young homosexuals –later in female sex workers –USA
1983- Discovery of causative pasteures institutes, agent was named HIV
1986- First case in India – Tamilnadu
1986- First case in Haryana Dist. Rohtak- Asthalbohar
1985- HIV test in licensed Blood Bank was made mandatory
1988- Decided to observe 1st Dec. as World AIDS day
1986- ART was shown to be effective against HIV
2007- 33 million people are living with HIV world wide
1987- NACP was established
1990- NACO was established
First Phase – 1990-96
Second Phase -1996-2005
Third Phase – July 2007-2012
Since then around 2.3 million HIV positive cases in India-
More than 22,000 cases in Haryana.
AIDS Patients registered at ART Rohtak 2459
Male 1425
Female 880
Boys 109
Girls 43
High Prevalent States -AP, Maharashtra, TN, Karnataka Manipur, Nagaland
Low Prevalent States -Haryana, Punjab, northern parts
Causative agent- HIV 1 &2(retrovirus family)
Incubation period – 5-15 yrs.
Age group- Maximum affected is 29-45 yrs.
M: F = 39% females, 3.5% children, rest are male
High risk group in population – Sex workers-MSM, FSW, Truck drivers, ID users, Migrant population
Mode of transmission- 1. Unsafe Sex 2. ID Users 3. Blood 4. Mother-fetus (vertical)
Clinical features major– 1. Loss of weight-more than 10% of Body weight in one month.
2. Fever continues one month duration
3. Uncontrolled diarrhea one month duration
Diagnosis- specific-rapid tests (Tri-Dot & Comb Test), Elisa- Ag-coated and Ab-coated, Western blot (confirmatory-detect p-24 Ag), PCR-(NAT)
Non specific- beta micro globulin CD-4 cell count-(reversal of CD-4/CD-8)
Window period is the time between the entry of HIV virus and production of specific antibodies
Treatment -ART
Prevention- A- avoid unsafe sex/ abstinence
B- Be faithful
C- Condom
Death – due to opportunistic infections
Facilities – ICTC ( Integrated Counseling & Testing Centre) and STD services
- HIV testing and counseling free
Sites – GH Karnal, Nilokheri, Gharauda, Assandh, Indri . FICTC at DTC TB hospital Karnal,CHC Nissing,PHC Jundla
HIV positive cases – 698 cases since june 2000
AIDS cases –70 cases
A detailed summary of AIDS control Programme in Distt. Karnal
Ø In 2000 Voluntary Counseling & Testing Centre(VCTC) was started at civil Hospital where HIV Counseling & Testing was done .
Ø in 2006 Prevention of parent to child transmission(PPTCT) started at General Hospital Karnal
Ø in 2006 Two VCTC started at CHCs level one centre started at CHC Assandh and another was at CHC Indri
Ø in June 2007 VCTC & PPTCT was merged in ICTC (Integrated Counseling & Testing Centre).Where both Voluntary and ANC HIV testing was done
Ø In Aug. 2008 two more ICTCs (Integrated Counseling & Testing Centre) was started at CHCs .One was at General Hospital Nilokheri & another one is started at CHC Gharaunda
Ø In April 2010 Two FICTCs (Facilitating Integrated Counseling & Testing Centre) was started. One of them was started at DTC TB Hospital Karnal & another was started at CHC Nissing where two Staff & Lab Tech. were trained for HIV Counseling & Testing for each site.
Ø Counseling & testing facility of Voluntary patient, ANCs, SPP, STD Patient is available during OPD timing of General Hospital karnal.
Ø Three Target Intervention Projects are running by NGOs with the aid of Haryana AIDS Control Society Panchkula Target Intervention Project are for Female Sex Worker (FSW) ,Men having sex with man (MSM) & Injecting Drug Users (IDU)
Ø The Link ART Centre (LAC) will be open very soon in Civil Hospital Karnal for ART treatment.
So at present the staff position & centers details are following
Site | Name of centre | Sanctioned | In Place | Vacant | | |||
| | Counselor | Lab Tech. | Counselor | Lab Tech. | Counselor | Lab Tech. | |
General Hospital Karnal | ICTC | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | nil | nil | |
General hospital Assandh | ICTC | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | nil | Nil | |
General Hospital Nilokheri | ICTC | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Nil | nil | |
CHC Indri | ICTC | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Nil | Nil | |
CHC Gharaunda | ICTC | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Nil | Nil | |
CHC Nissing | FICTC | MPHW Trained | LT trained | - | - | - | - | |
DTC TB Hospital Karnal | FICTC | TBHV Trained | LT Trained | - | - | - | - | |
The Following performance of centre wise is given below:-
Here *indicate the counting of HIV+ve patients in ICTC GH Karnal
Cumulative report of TCTC GH Karnal from April 2000 to October-2011 under the programme of Haryana AIDS Control Society Panchkula Haryana.
ICTC sites | | total counseling | total testing | total positive | % | |
General Hospital Karnal | From 2000 to June-2011 | 31984 | 31206 | 526 | 1.67% | |
General hospital Assandh | From 2006 to June-2011 | 9385 | 8997 | 74 | 0.82% | |
General Hospital Nilokheri | From 2008 to June-2011 | 7496 | 7123 | 27 | 0.37% | |
CHC Indri | From 2006 to June-2011 | 6025 | 5683 | 24 | 0.42% | |
CHC Gharaunda | From 2008 to June-2011 | 7540 | 6853 | 47 | 0.68% | |
FICTC CHC Nissing | From April 2010 to June-2011 | 848 | 475 | 5* | 1.05% | |
FICTC DTC TB Hospital Karnal | From April 2010 to June-2011 | 1378 | 1378 | 17* | 1.23% | |
Total | | 64656 | 61715 | 698 | 1.12% | |
Here *indicate the counting of HIV+ve in ICTC GH Karnal
Cumulative report of TCTC’s of distt Karnal from April 2000 to October-2011 under the programme of Haryana AIDS Control Society Panchkula Haryana.
From June 2000 to October- 2011
Total Counseling 64656
Total Testing 61715
HIV+ve 698
Prevalence Rate 1.12%
Total Patient on Pre ART at PGIMS Rohtak as per record of ART 287
Total Patient on ART at PGIMS Rohtak as per record of ART 116
Total Patient on Pre ART & ART at PGIMER Chandigarh as per record of ART 52
Out of distt.HIV +ve registered in Distt. Karnal 73
No. of AIDS cases in Karnal 70
No. of Rural Patient HIV+ve 304
No. of Urban Patient HIV+ve 394
Male 399
Female 266
Transgender 03