Saturday, June 16, 2018


Picnic gives life, break despair

Arun Kumar Kaharba
Many types of days are celebrated in the world. One of them is Picnic day. Picnic means enjoying eating a meal in a park, open garden or natural environment instead of eating out in the same way every day at home. Talking about India, there is no such tradition of picnic found in many families entangled in the rotation of Rosi and Roti. Picnic is an urban concept. When people came to work in the cities, then they felt the need to enjoy life and the desire to breathe out in the open air.
Not only the business and the desire to get rid of the caste system, people have also brought people from villages to cities. The caste weakens in cities. Become a new social relationship. But patriarchal structure remained intact. The four-window house kept the women imprisoned. Patriarchy remained a hindrance in the liberation of very large sections of society. In spite of getting all the protection in traditional family structures, there was confrontation. The picnic style has begun to give a sense of freedom to everyone. The concept of picnic strengthened by Franch revolution equality, freedom, and fraternity. After the revolution parks and gardens were developed everywhere. Today people all over the world go to the picnic. Students of schools and colleges are also taken to the picnic. Tours, trips and picnics are specially organized in summer holidays, with learning, teaching and fun.
Revolutionary Punjabi poet Avtar Singh Pash says in his famous poem- ​​"It is dangerous, it is dangerous to be filled with silent peace, not to be afraid, to bear everything, get out of the house, return home from work and come home, It is dangerous to die of our dreams. 'A picnic is organized to break the house's boredom routine by working and working from home. With this, family members and friends come closer to each other and understand each other. In sports and pleasant moments dreams begin to plunge. Today children are under different types of pressure. The head of the family is entangled in a variety of troubles. Working women worry about home and outdoor work. Picnic gives everyone a pleasant moment.
For everyone to enjoy picnics and life, it is important that in every village, city and town, parks and libraries should developed at a short distance. But our Panchayats and Municipal bodies have the lack of understanding. The streets and roads are often used by uprooting so that the money can be spent. Many panchayats and municipalities do not lack rupees, but due to lack of vision, they can not do anything better. How many historic sites have ruined in our country today. Such places can be changed and converted into a picnic spot. This will make people, especially the new generation, get information about their history and they will have a place to roam. How many ponds and canals have become transformed into dirty-stinking places. They can also be transformed into tourist and picnic sites with a little understanding. Why can not park and library in every corner of the city? There are no lanes for pedestrians and cyclists on both sides of our roads. In such a way, how will people get out of their homes? People should not be imprisoned in homes, be motivated to leave homes. For this, there will be a lot of measures to be taken at the government level. The folks will leave for the picnic only, who can stop them? So let's go.
Arun Kumar Kaharba
Lecturer, Government Senior Secondary School, camp, Yamunanagar.
Home address- Ward no-4, Ramlila Maidan,
Indri, Karnal, Haryana-132041

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